Registration for the coming season is now open. This year we are introducing the option to pay your membership in 3 monthly instalments. 3 month payment plan options are slightly more expensive in order to cover our costs.
Adult Football
€120 or €42 per month (for 3 months)
Boys Football
Under 6 - €60 or €21 per month
Under 7 - €70 or €24.50 per month
Under 8 - €80 or €28 per month
Under 9 - €90 or €31.50 per month
Under 10 and older - €100 or €35 per month
Girls Football
Under 6 - €60 or €21 per month
Under 7 - €70 or €24.50 per month
Under 8 and older - €80 or €28 per month
Please note the following:
Fees must be paid online at the time of registration before the beginning of the season. Non registered players will not be permitted to play matches with the club.
When choosing a 3 month payment plan the first instalment will be taken immediately with the subsequent 2 instalments taken around the same date the following 2 months.
Sibling discount will be applied, however each child must be registered separately. Using the same email address when registering each child will allows the discount to be automatically applied to the 2nd and subsequent child(ren).
Please upload a picture of your childs birth certificate or passport during registration. This is required to register your child with the FAI.
New FAI requirements mean that each player at all age groups must have a profile picture uploaded during registration. Please upload a head shot during registration.
Training days/times/venues will be communicated closer to the start of the season.
The school children season is due to start in late August or early September. We will communicate this as soon as we have been informed by the LDSL.
The Junior (adult) season will commence on August 15th.
As always we really need your help to make the forthcoming season a success. If you'd like to get involved in coaching or with the committee then please get in touch with one of the coaches or committee members.
The committee would like to thank everyone for their continued support.